Payment Authorization to Contact USA Inc. |
Your payment will be processed on the date indicated below - (you may change this date forward) |
Required Fields: → |
∗ = required fields |
Choose Payment Date (MM/DD/YY)∗ |
∗ |
Payment Amount (example: 99.00)∗ DO NOT enter the "$" sign |
∗ |
Full Name (John A. Smith, Sr.)∗ |
∗ ↑ (actual client's name on an existing account or name for an account to be created) |
Daytime Telephone Number (212-123-4567)∗ |
∗ |
E-mail Address∗ |
∗ |
Would you like to charge all future payments to this account?∗ |
Full Name the way it appears on the Check or Credit/Debit Card∗ |
∗ |
Type of Payment∗ |
Cient Number (enter only if known) |
↑ (enter only if known) |
CHECK PAYMENT: the following fields (marked with red asterisk) are required ONLY if you selected to pay by check |
Bank Name∗ |
∗ |
Bank 9 digit Routing Number∗ |
∗ |
Checking Account Number∗ |
∗ |
↑ The above must be a Checking Account Number (U.S. accounts only) |
Check Number (optional) |
CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENT: the following fields (marked with red asterisk) are required ONLY if you selected to pay by credit/debit card The payment will be listed on your statement as: CONTACT USA |
Credit/Debit Card Number (no spaces or dashes)∗ |
∗ |
Exp. Date (MM/YY)∗ |
∗ |
Credit/Debit Card Security Code: (3 or 4 digits) (?)∗ |
∗ |
Credit/Debit Card Billing Address∗ |
∗ |
Notes, special instructions or anything else you wish to tell us |